Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen

On 21 March 1933 the local SA regiment set up the first concentration camp in Prussia in a vacant factory building in the centre of Oranienburg. In the months following the assumption of power by the National Socialists, Oranienburg took on a key role in the persecution of the opposition, especially in the “Reich” capital, Berlin.
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Sachsenhausen concentration camp was built in the summer of 1936 as a model and training camp. Tens of thousands of the more than 200,000 prisoners interned here died as a result of hunger, disease, forced labour and mistreatment or were victims of systematic extermination operations by the SS.
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In August 1945, a good three months after the end of the war and the liberation of Europe from National Socialist domination, the NKVD, the Soviet secret police, moved its Special Camp No. 7 to the centre of the former Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Of the 60,000 prisoners interned there, 12,000 died of hunger and disease.
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After the site had been used for many years by the Soviet army, the Barracked People’s Police (KVP) and the National People’s Army (NVA) of the German Democratic Republic, planning began in 1956 for the Sachsenhausen National Memorial, which was inaugurated on 23 April 1961.
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In the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum there are thirteen smaller permanent exhibitions illuminating various aspects of the history of the place. The Memorial is a place of mourning and commemoration while at the same time fulfilling its mission as a modern museum of contemporary history.
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  • 1933-1934 Oranienburg Concentration Camp
  • 1936-1945 Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
  • 1945-1950 Soviet Special Camp
  • 1961-1990 Sachsenhausen National Memorial
  • seit 1993 Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum


Call for Papers: Europe in the Concentration Camps. The Expanded Camp System 1944

28. October 2024

The Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten, the University of Klagenfurt, the Topography of Terror Documentation Centre, and the Federal Agency for Civic Education invite submissions for the conference "Europe in the Concentration Camps. The Expanded Camp System 1944" which will take place from February 2 to 5, 2025, at the Topography of Terror Documentation Centre in Berlin. more

"What voice do we have?" - Invitation to an international exchange for descendants of former concentration camp prisoners

15. May 2024

As part of the "What voice do we have?" project, the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum is inviting Sachsenhausen invites descendants of former prisoners of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to a networking meeting from 13 to 16 September 2024. more

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80th anniversary of the liberation of Sachsenhausen concentration camp

02. May - 05. May 2025

To mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, numerous events will take place from May 2 to 5, 2025. more

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Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum

Straße der Nationen 22
D-16515 Oranienburg
Tel. +49 - (0) 3301 - 200-200




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Wooden case from Special Camp in Sachsenhausen 1948


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