Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen

Offers for Individual Visitors

Public guided tours

Public guided tours take place every Saturday:

  • Saturday, 11 am: in English
  • Saturday, 2 pm: in German

Please note: due to illness, the public guided tour in English cannot take place this Saturday, 15.2.25 at 11 am.

The guided tour takes approximately two hours. It offers an introduction into the history of Sachsenhausen concentration camp and an overview of the development of the Memorial itself. 

We recommend our public tours to visitors who are 14 years or older. 

If you want to join the guided tour, please register on site at the Visitor Information Centre. It is not possible to register in advance by mail or telephone. The tour fee is EUR 3,50 (EUR 2,50 with concessions).

Audio guides

Audio guides with which you can to explore the Memorial on your own, are available at the Memorial's Visitor Information Centre. The hire fee is 3 Euro per device (the group rate is 2 Euro per device). (Starting March 2023, the hire fee will be 3,50 Euro per device, group rate: 2,50 Euro.)

The audio guides are available in the following languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian.

There is a sufficient number of devices available. A reservation is not necessary.