Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen


Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum

Online conference: The history of the Soviet Special Camps in Germany. Historiography and future perspectives

20. August - 21. August 2021 – 09:00 - 19:30 Uhr

A cooperation between the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum with the Buchenwald Memorial and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Speziallager Sachsenhausen 1945-1950 e.V.

The conference is directed towards people from the field of memorial work, research, representatives of initiatives and institutions, students and relatives and takes place in the context of the annual commemorative event of the Sachsenhausen Memorial and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Speziallager Sachsenhausen 1945-1950 e.V.

The central focus lies in how the complex history of Soviet special camps in Germany will be researched, communicated, and remembered in the future. For this purpose, past and current research on the history of the Soviet special camps in Germany will be reviewed and discussed. Building on this, we will broaden our perspective and compare the special camps within the context of Allied post-war politics (Day 1).

We will then discuss the prospects for future research and mediation efforts on the topic of Soviet special camps in the context of war, the consequences of war, and political injustice in the 20th century, as well as questions of family tradition and commemoration and remembrance culture (Day 2).

Due to the Covid-19-pandemic, the conference will not take place on site. Instead, the discussions will be held virtually over two days. Because of this, we decided not to have a podium with contemporary witnesses. However, in order to integrate the voices of the former prisoners of the Soviet special camps, we tried to collect recorded greetings and statements from them that will be presented throughout the conference. The event will be simultaneously  interpretated and recorded.

On August 22, 2021, the joint commerative event of the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Speziallager Sachsenhausen 1945-1950 e.V. will take place marking the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the establishment of the Sachsenhausen special camp.

Please register by 17 August:

conference schedule (PDF)

A cooperation between the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum with the Buchenwald Memorial and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lager Sachsenhausen 1945-1950 e.V.

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