Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum
Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Murder of 19 Luxembourgish Police Officers at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
02. February 2025 – 14:00 Uhr
On the night of February 1 to 2, 1945, nineteen Luxembourgers were murdered after three years of imprisonment at Sachsenhausen concentration camp because they had refused to take the oath of loyalty to Hitler and to fight in the Schutzpolizei and SS.
The Amicale de Sachsenhausen commemorates the victims of this massacre with a memorial event on February 2.
The ceremony will begin at 2:00 PM at the memorial for the murdered Luxembourgers in the former commandant's area.
After speeches by Astrid Ley (Director of the Sachsenhausen Memorial) and Sylvie Lucas (Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Berlin), Luxembourgish students will read texts. Following a short religious service, a wreath-laying ceremony will take place at the memorial.
Ehemaliger Kommandanturbereich, gegenüber von Neuen Museum.
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